Friday, 3 February 2012

V.O.C.A.T.I.O.N is vocation..since I just finish my big exam 2 month ago, I was consider having a vocation until the result out..but,,yet instead having a vocation I am stuck at home..when,I thinking of having vocation, I asked myself with who??..friends?..of course not as I can befriends with others but to be as close until we hang out together maybe not..and then my family?...all of them,I decided to wait until my younger sister having holiday..and when I said to her asking to accompany me to go for a vocation,,she with poker face answering that she dont want to go...if you being me at that time you will feel sad too..I want to spend my time with my family that's why I asked her to go too...hmm,if I sulk she said I ma being too serious,but YES I have to be not like I always have this chance...yes,I am sulking because neither her or my sister ignoring my wish to go for short holiday with me...of course they feel bored as they already free from home and can always go out with their friends,,but for me?? go out with friends like others teenager so not as always with family whether it is holiday or just to hang,can this time both of you come with me,,,it not like I asking you to buy me expensive gift,,,just want you to spend your time with me...alone at home can be so bored but you know that you can never complaint as home is always the best comfort place...

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